The Müller cloth factory is open on 1 May from 11 am to 6 pm.

Grafik Tuchfabrik Müller Euskirchen

Tuchfabrik Müller (Cloth Factory)

Children and young people on a guided tour through the cloth factory

At this unusual site, time seems to have stood still. After sinking into oblivion for decades, the Tuchfabrik Müller (Cloth Factory) has been brought to life again - as a unique museum which vividly presents the golden age of the cloth industry.

Family looks at museum employees at a machine demonstration

The tour through the former production facilities does not cease to astonish. For everything remained unchanged: On the wall is a tear-off calendar indicating the date on which the machines in the factory stopped and the gates were locked. On the door of the dyeing workshop it is still possible today to distinguish the chalk writing of Ludwig Müller who wrote the recipe for the dye solution there 40 years ago. Cigarette boxes, an old coffee pot, piles of hand-written notes. Everything conveys the impression of the last working day.

And then the old looms begin to work again. The shuttles whiz back and forth. Fine cloth is made from loose wool fibres. Powerful scribble machines comb the wool, delicate spinning machines form fine threads. On the regularly organised “Steam Sundays” the mighty steam engine dating from 1903 is at full power.

The Tuchfabrik Müller (Cloth Factory) is an unusual site. It conveys the impression as if history “itself” had set up the museum: The machines and tools, the large and small objects are there where they always belonged. Films, small installations and models support the experience of the factory world and tell of the work, of heat and steam in the dyeing workshop, of fascinating transmission mechanisms with countless wheels and cogs. Brief extracts from interviews with former employees bring their experience and feelings to life.

The Tuchfabrik Müller (Cloth Factory) on film!

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Tickets for the Tuchfabrik Müller (Cloth Factory) can be obtained on the site or purchased in advance from our Webshop.

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