The Müller cloth factory is open on 9 May from 11 am to 6 pm.

Grafik Tuchfabrik Müller Euskirchen

Information and Booking


Museumsgästehaus Mottenburg



53881 Euskirchen-Kuchenheim


We are happy to advise you! Just call us or send us and email:

Karin Spengler

Tel. 02251 1488-0

Fax: 02251 1488-120


The museum guesthouse Mottenburg is part of the Landschaftsverband Rheinland "SWIM - Schüler wohnen im Museum" Programme (Pupils Stay at the Museum Programmes).

Travel directions

Bus and train:

You can reach the museum guesthouse Mottenburg from the train station Euskirchen-Kuchenheim (service from Bonn) and from train station Euskirchen (service from Cologne).

The museum is situated 15 minutes on foot away from train station Euskirchen-Kuchenheim. The path is signposted.

From train station Euskirchen take the bus number 874 in the direction of "EUSKIRCHEN - OTTO-HAHN-STR" to the bus stop "Händelstraße" (Mondays to Saturdays), from there it takes about 3 minutes on foot to the museum. On Sundays and public holidays take bus number 870 to destination "INDUSTRIEMUSEUM".

Timetable information from Deutsche Bahn.

Timetable information from VRS (Verkehrsverbundes Rhein-Sieg)

Information for cyclists:

Information for the journey by bike provides the cycle route planner for the cycle route network NRW.


From the motorway exits on the A1 and A61 drive in the direction of Euskirchen and then follow the signs.

There are 3 coach parking spaces at the museum.

Directions to the Euskrichen area

Travel map


Museumsgästehaus Mottenburg


53881 Euskirchen